wHolistic Management

We are at the end of an inspiring three day course run by guru Kirk Gadzia, an absolute inspiration.
Kirk is a humble, passionate and down to earth man, with an incredible amount of energy and experience.
It was a wonderful opportunity to learn from a practitioner who has the ability to connect with farmer folk and a like, and pass on this invaluable information.

wHolistic Management is about people, families, community, farmers, animals, ecology and most importantly sustainable land management and regeneration. In the words of fellow class mates today, “our role here as stewards of the land is to leave things in better condition then what we found them”
Problems can not be fixed using the same mind set that created them.

Thank you Kirk and thank you Tamara for your energy, teachings and inspiration.

A few pics from the last few days in the field. Discussions of cell grazing, pasture health, animal health, stocking rates, flora disturbance, biological and ecological observations, water management and human goals and values.





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